10 Simple Rules Stylish Women Always Follow


Last year I enrolled in an amazing Styling course because I used to feel I was not dressed adequately when attending major events and other times I felt awkward as a result of my styling choices. The very first class I felt super strange among a room full of perfectly dressed girls in their early 20’s, and they were all asking very specific questions on how to improve their looks.

Of course, I just stayed in the corner feeling like a total outsider and trying to catch up with years of wisdom I lacked. By the middle of the course half of the girls had dropped out of the course because they were mislead, they thought the teacher was going to tell each one of us what to wear and what to avoid ( I was super confused too but since I had already payed I decided to finish and make the most of it).

At the end, the course totally exceeded my expectations because I learned all the basics to ensemble amazing outfits, I gained the confidence to put my style out there and to provide valuable advice to people around me.

The most valuable knowledge I got of the class is that Style is personal: it is not about making yourself look fashionable, it is about keeping balance, presenting your best self and feeling comfortable with it

10 rules to follow in order to become a stylish woman




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