2018: New Year, New Beginnings

I am aware New Year has far passed, but I hadn’t found the time to reflect on what 2017 meant to me and what I will be aiming for this 2018.

This particularly become a fundamental thing when my life turnaround from one day to another. If 3 years ago somebody has told me this would be my life now, I would never believe him.

What scares me the most is, how my opinion has shifted in most of the things I was once certain of.

But along with that fear comes a new sense of independence and freedom I had not felt long ago. And even though the last 3 years have been a never-ending exhausting path, I would not take a step back for anything in the world.

The two most important things I learned last year, and I will keep putting into practice this 2018 are:

To value the truly valuable things

The most valuable things I got in my life are the people I’ve met, the places I’ve visited, the new things I’ve learned, and my two amazing dogs.

So I owe myself to be picky with the people I keep in my life, to be amazed by every corner of the world I step into and to be eager to enjoy new experiences.


To reinvent me

I grew up with my super conservative parents and two younger sisters to whom I was supposed to provide the best example. I was expected to be thin, polite, demure and naturally beautiful.

I never dared to go against my parents will until last year, when I realized how fun and fulfilling it is to reinvent myself in any way, to go with each phase in my life.

Omnia San Diego

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